Off the ferry at Trelleborg, and Ystad is only 30-40 miles east, on the coast.
For a first pastry, choose one where you can get a car-picnic sandwich at the same time, for later. A recurrent sandwich theme, all open-faced, is a large hunk of great bread beneath, lettuce, tomato, them come the large shrimp just spilling over, and cucumber, etc etc.
Be sure to read at least one Henning Mankell mystery before arriving.
Ystad's residential and commercial streets: Haunts of Detective Kurt Wallander, mystery series by Henning Mankell.
This may look like the same house (no wonder you can't find the car), but look closer. There are little faces up there, above the windows on this one. It is never enough to remember half-timber house on corner, because too many are. And the colors of the brickwork and half-timber -- remember those as well.
Can't see them yet? Get closer.
The faces go all around the house. Then find the intricate doorway.
Ta-Da! Worth waiting for. Each one different.
Oh, no! It's Wallander! He found us out!
The streets combine commercial with residential still. This small slaughterhouse appears abandoned for that purpose, though
Now, where was the car?
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