Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Linkoping - Vreta Kloster's Cloister

Vreta Cloister (Kloster) near Linkoping, at Berg
And the Church at the Monastery (Nunnery?)
Kings Inside

The old arbors and orchards still bear blossoms, and fruit.

Vreta is one of the oldest monasteries in Sweden, founded by King Inge I and Queen Helena in about 1100.  See ://christianization.hist.cam.ac.uk/regions/sweden/sweden-eccl-org.html

That is the church guide getting a nice sour apple from one of the trees believed to be from Reformation time, would you believe, centuries old and still bearing. One stalwart branch out there. Tasty, but pucker sour.

The Church at Vreta Kloster was obviously remodeled at some point.  See the difference in the square steeple on the model, and the newer steeple at top.

This below-ground level areas is a Baptisterium.  Many carvings in Scandinavia and Northern Germanyshow persons being baptized in the nude. Perhaps the low level of the pool offered some privacy, although the representatons are not of persons descending steps. Germany Road Ways, Altarpiece, Church at Enger, Baptism

Medieval baptism pools, below ground, are often undiscovered.

Graffiti has also been found on/in buildings at Vreta, now in museums, see ://scienceblogs.com/aardvarchaeology/2007/05/medieval_monastic_graffitti_1.php

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