Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ekeby Kyrke

 Identifying Churches in Sweden

We have old photos from a grandparents' visit home -- Kinnekulle and Boxholm -- in the 1920's, another in 1930's.  Those turned out to be Ekeby, near Boxholm.

Identify by steeples and front doorways to start.  Then get puzzled by a steeple and then a house roof,  not churchy at all.

Is this one still old Ekeby?

This matches the steeple for the larger Ekeby. But an images search shows an Ekeby with this kind of steeple in a very different setting.

This had "Ekeby" on the back. Steeple not visible. But the steeples on the first two match an images search for Ekeby. The setting for images photos, however, look different. This setting looks so rural.  

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